Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What Future is Your Present Pointing To?

Building a Legacy. Wow - most people don't even talk about that these days. 

What exactly does that mean to you, in your world? From the bottom to the top - from the beginning to the end. Is it fair to say that you want this world to be better off when you leave it - that you want to make a difference, a lasting impression? Is that not what most people want?

We can't tell just by observing behavior. And when it comes down to it, behavior is the only factor that serves as a general indicator. You cannot expect people to read your mind and heart in order to surmise your deepest desires.

I see people all the time who swear they want more out of life, but they refuse to implement different disciplines and behaviors to bring about different results. 

Do your actions tell the world that you are striving to build a legacy? Or do the indicate that you are just trying to make it, appearing as a “blip on the screen” once all is said and done?

I invite you, no I dare you, to create more than a ripple during this journey called life - create a tidal wave, so that people will talk about you in a respectful and admirable way, for generations to come.

Start building your dreams today. For real this time. 

Know Better ~ Sow Better ~ Grow Better....

Coach Kim


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