Sunday, October 30, 2016

Cheers to the Wellness Warrior Inside of You - Part 1

  I am sharing this with Wellness Warriors - women and men who WANT to operate at the top of their game, but find the stressors of life are constantly giving them a run for their money. Feeling that you are not in control can add to your levels of frustration, making a bad situation even worse.

And of course the impact can be on the physical, emotional or psychological level. As an example, let's see how stress can play out when you are in a position of ownership, management or responsibility.

If you are constantly tired, overweight and on edge, it's next to impossible to be consistently effective on a day to day basis. You may be able to do it for a season, but sooner or later the pressures will reveal their true colors. A balanced life has to be about sufficient self-care, which enables you to effectively care for others in your space. Otherwise the whole thing is just a charade.

Allow me to point out three (of six) critical areas that must be addressed to maintain proper balance:

1.  Stress: minimize, eliminate, re-direct, deal with... pick one - but do not ignore it.
2.  Sleep: not getting enough - either in quality or quantity can lead to poor health and poor decisions.
3.  Hydration: your body is over 2/3 water; replenish it daily with high quality, structured water.

The three additional areas of importance will be covered in Part 2 of this article. This in itself is a critical factor to upgrading your lifestyle - don't try to do a 180 over night. You arrived at this particular "state of the union" due to a life time pattern of choices. You must learn to reset yourself, by slowly backing out and moving in another direction.

And be sure to make the change count. Analyze and absorb it. Wonder how you got there and commit to being more intentional about your future choices, now that you know for yourself the weight of negative consequences.

See yourself as a Wellness Warrior - someone who has the authority and courage and drive to actually rewrite the script. Leaving your health future totally in the hands of others is but another example of giving up your control.

Stay tuned for Part 2 and then focus on just one area that you want to impact and rejuvenate. Remember - it's NEVER too late to start and it's ALWAYS too soon to quit.

To Your Ever Improving Health,

 Coach Kim

Friday, October 28, 2016

Who's Whispering in Your Ear?

 Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow! Grow!"
                                   ~ The Talmud
Image result for whisper in ear
My question to you is...
Who is whispering in your ear? Who encourages you and tells you to get back up again? If you don't have a cheerleader, it would behoove you to find one ASAP.

Someone who recognizes your potential and sees you not only for who you are but also, for who you are becoming. Visionaries can help you get a foothold on the next level of success, so that through strength, discipline, and the grace of God, you can pull yourself up to the next level and deliver your gifts.
If you cannot find someone to encourage you, then become your own cheer leader.  If you find yourself in circumstances where you are surrounded by people who tell you that you can't, the strength of your voice must over power the external voices.

You must become the guardian of your spirit and the keeper of your soul.

Believe it or not, the world's job is to do two things:

1. Chew you up
2. Spit you out

No hard feelings, that's just the nature of the beast.

Your job? To be an overcomer. To be "the one that got away". To be more than a conqueror.

Are you ready? I hope so, because the PRICE is high…. but the REWARDS are great.

If you can't find a cheerleader, I may have a few ideas to help you become more of who you are supposed to be. You are here for a purpose - the world was waiting for you to be born. Now that you are here, it's time to stand and deliver. 
Stop by my site and allow me to get my pom poms out on your behalf. I can help you move to new levels that will be refreshing to your soul.

Wishing You All the Best,

Coach Kim

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What Future is Your Present Pointing To?

Building a Legacy. Wow - most people don't even talk about that these days. 

What exactly does that mean to you, in your world? From the bottom to the top - from the beginning to the end. Is it fair to say that you want this world to be better off when you leave it - that you want to make a difference, a lasting impression? Is that not what most people want?

We can't tell just by observing behavior. And when it comes down to it, behavior is the only factor that serves as a general indicator. You cannot expect people to read your mind and heart in order to surmise your deepest desires.

I see people all the time who swear they want more out of life, but they refuse to implement different disciplines and behaviors to bring about different results. 

Do your actions tell the world that you are striving to build a legacy? Or do the indicate that you are just trying to make it, appearing as a “blip on the screen” once all is said and done?

I invite you, no I dare you, to create more than a ripple during this journey called life - create a tidal wave, so that people will talk about you in a respectful and admirable way, for generations to come.

Start building your dreams today. For real this time. 

Know Better ~ Sow Better ~ Grow Better....

Coach Kim
